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Research Opportunity: Understanding the Needs of Unpaid Dementia Carers of Caribbean Heritage in the UK

If you are of Caribbean heritage and provide care to a family member, partner or friend who is living with dementia, don’t miss this opportunity to get involved with some research.

Feyisola Raimi-Abraham cares for her mother who is living with dementia. She went on to found The Black Dementia Company and is also PhD student at London Metropolitan University. Feyi is looking for volunteers to participate in her research to improve dementia service provision for people of Caribbean heritage in the UK. Feyi hopes that with your feedback, black unpaid carers will engage with dementia services earlier so that they and the person that they care for can get support much sooner.

What’s Involved?
You can take part in this research if you are an unpaid carer of Caribbean heritage who has cared for or is currently caring for someone with dementia. Feyi would like to spend 15 to 20 minutes with you to ask you about your life, your experience of using dementia services as an unpaid carer, and your needs or suggestions about how dementia services can be improved to serve the Caribbean community better. Your identity will remain confidential unless you choose otherwise and your data will be securely stored and deleted after the study.

Further Information and How to Get Involved
If you would like to find out more, read this research participant information sheet or email Feyisola Raimi-Abraham FER0077@my.londonmet.ac.uk. Feyi will be attending our Black African and Caribbean Dementia Carers event on Wednesday 9 April from 11 am until 2.00 pm at Pannel Croft Extra Care Village in Newtown, Birmingham. There will be a private room where you can speak to Feyi about your experiences to add to her research. You can find out more about this event on our What’s On page. If you would like to take part, you will need to complete this research participant consent form.

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