Carer Support

Safeguarding Support

Whether you are caring or are being cared for, you deserve to feel safe, confident, and comfortable at all times. If you or anyone you know, has any concerns about their physical or emotional safety or wellbeing, either when caring or receiving care, please speak to someone.

If you have concerns about a child
If anyone is in immediate danger, phone 999.  
If you have any concerns about the safety and/or welfare of a child or young person, telephone the Children’s Advice & Support Service (CASS) on 0121 303 1888 or email  Outside normal office hours please contact Emergency Duty Team on 0121 675 4806. 

If you have concerns about an adult
If anyone is in immediate danger, phone 999.  
If you think there has been a crime contact the police straight away. Call West Midlands Police on 0345 113 5000 or 101. From outside the West Midlands phone 0345 113 5000. 
If it is not an emergency and you want to report adult abuse of someone with care and support needs, you can do this via Birmingham City Council or call Adult Social Care on 0121 303 1234.  

Birmingham Carers Hub is signed up to the principles of Making Safeguarding Personal. We believe all adults have the right to live their lives free from abuse or neglect.

    Who can cause harm?

    Anyone can cause harm to a person who is unable to protect themselves. It is more likely that the harm will be caused by someone they know and trust, for example a main Carer, family member, friend, paid Carer or health worker.

    What types of harm are there?

    Harm can be unintentional or deliberate. By harm we mean regular or consistent harm, not a single accidental incident. Harm can take many shapes, including physical, emotional, psychological or sexual harm, financial harm or theft, domestic violence, self-neglect, slavery or forced servitude.

    What to do if you feel unsafe

    Sometimes it is difficult to acknowledge that you don’t feel safe, especially if this is due to the words or actions of the person you care for. You may:

    • have got used to it;
    • think they do not mean it or they don’t know what they’re doing; or
    • worry that you may be separated from the person you care for.

    If you feel unsafe, please contact Birmingham Carers Hub on 0333 006 9711. Sometimes, all you need is someone to talk to.

    What to do if you know or suspect someone is being harmed

    Some common signs of harm are unexplained or multiple bruising or finger marks, worsening health or weight loss, not having contact with friends, family or professionals, shortage of money for no apparent reason.

    It is possible that the person you are worried about usually has a variety of these signs due to their condition. However, if they appear worse than normal or are acting differently this could prompt your concerns. If someone confides in you that they are being harmed or even harming someone, take whatever they tell you seriously and listen carefully. Do not promise to keep it a secret. Take action and contact the Birmingham Carers Hub. You may be saving someone from harm or causing harm. Try to repeat the words used by the person who told you when telling others.

    What to do if you are worried you might harm the person you care for

    If you are feeling overwhelmed and are worried that you might cause harm to the person you care for, or suspect someone you know is being, or could be, harmed, report this to Birmingham City Council in one of the following ways:

    0121 303 1234

    Text Relay: dial 18001 followed by the full phone number

    In an emergency, or if someone is in immediate danger, call 999. Otherwise, report crimes to West Midlands Police by calling 101.

    Safe and Well Visit

    What’s involved in a Safe and Well visit?
    Safe and Well visits involve much more than just fitting smoke detectors, just take a look at this flyer.

    The visits, are carried out by operational firefighters, based at our 38 community fire stations, and usually take around an hour. We know there are strong links between health, well-being and lifestyle choices and the risk of fire. This is why, with the residents’ permission, the fire service cover a range of topics with a link to fire risk, including:

    • smoking, alcohol, medication and drugs
    • mental health, dementia
    • mobility including slips, trips and falls
    • hoarding
    • loneliness and social isolation
    • healthy eating and lifestyles
    • home security
    • road safety

    Any firefighting crew attending a person’s home for a Safe and Well visit will always carry their identity cards, and you should ask to see this before allowing them entry to your home.

    To book a safe and well visit for yourself or the person that you care for please click here.

    Further information can be found in the Safe and Well Book 2023 here.

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