Carer Services

Autism, ADHD and Learning Disabilities Support

The following support enhances our current offer to Parent Carers and for those Carers who have a learning disability themselves.

Autism West Midlands

Autism West Midlands is the leading charity in the West Midlands for people affected by autism. They use their expertise to enrich the lives of autistic people and those who love and care for them. The passionate, expert staff and volunteers work across all age groups and abilities.

New Project: Birmingham Parent Carer Service

This service is designed to assist parents and Carers in enhancing their understanding of autism and developing the skills necessary to support their parenting or caregiving role. The service is open to all and offers both one-on-one meetings and group support across Birmingham. We provide valuable information, advice, and guidance, enabling parents and Carers to better comprehend autism and the child or young person they care for, including:

  • Monthly Group Sessions: Regular group meetings are conducted in four locations across Birmingham to facilitate learning and mutual support.
  • Personalised Support: One-on-one support can be accessed via self-referral or professional referral.
  • Specialised Training: The “Rising to the Challenge” programme comprises six sessions for groups of parents and Carers, enhancing their understanding and skills.
  • Helpline Support: Support is just a call away through our dedicated helpline.

Contact details:
0121 4507575

Autistic Parents UK

Autistic Parents UK is a fully user-led and collaborative charity with a vision is to enable a world where Autistic parents have a voice where their experiences and knowledge are respected, and where Autistic parents receive the support they need for themselves and their families without judgement and discrimination.

New Project: Social care, education and support for Autistic caregivers

Autistic Carers of children play a crucial role in providing care and support to their loved ones, but they themselves may require specialised assistance and understanding to effectively fulfil their caregiving responsibilities. They are often required to navigate complex systems and face additional barriers in accessing appropriate resources and services. These include inaccessible formats, lack of understanding social care opportunities or rights to support, how to communicate needs etc.

This new programme and support service targeted at Birmingham-based Autistic Carers, will create empowerment with knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to navigate their caregiving journey and interaction with social care and social work more effectively. The programme is designed and delivered by Autistic parents and Autistic social workers, who will be able to utilise their lived experience and professional knowledge ensuring the programme encapsulates current, informed and relevant information for Autistic Carers

Contact details:
07919542824 (Katrine Callander, Operations Manager)

Birmingham Resilience Education and Wellbeing Services (BREWS) CIC

BREWS is a non-profit organisation based in Birmingham that supports children and young people to recognise and recover their resilience. It is run by neuro-divergent adults with a mission to help children, families, and educators understand and celebrate neurodiversity.

New Project: Nurturing ADHD Kids Support Group

The group is dedicated to supporting parent Carers of children and young people with ADHD, whether they have been diagnosed or are awaiting assessment via a 6-week course and further support. The course aims to equip Carers with essential knowledge and skills to improve support for their children across the following topics:

Week 1: Understanding ADHD: Learn about ADHD and its nuances.

Week 2: Effective Strategies for Support: Acquire strategies to support children dealing with ADHD.

Week 3: Prioritizing Well-being: Explore methods to enhance both your and your child’s well-being.

Week 4: Creating a Sensory Profile: Develop a sensory profile for your child to understand their unique needs.

Week 5: Collaborating with Schools: Gain confidence in collaborating with your child’s school to address their needs.

Week 6: Understanding Family Dynamics:

Explore the impact on siblings and other family members. Carers are also invited to participate in bi-weekly & ‘Coffee and Chat’ online sessions and join the private Facebook group. Additional sessions with guest speakers on specific topics like medication and Carers’ benefits will be offered.

Contact details:


CASBA provides advocacy services to individuals with learning disabilities aged over 18 years and living in South Birmingham and nearby areas. CASBA supports people to assert their voice, make informed choices, and being esteemed as active citizens.

New Project: Supporting Carers with Learning Disabilities

CASBA’s new Carer support service is for unpaid Carers with learning disabilities. The organisation aims to assist Carers in several ways:

1. Enhanced Understanding and Confidence: Gain deeper insights into your role of a Carer, fostering confidence.
2. Connecting with Like-minded Carers: Meet fellow Carers with learning disabilities, creating a support network.
3. Access to Advocacy Support: Receive assistance from advocates to uphold your rights and navigate systems effectively.
4. Alleviate Loneliness and Foster Friendships: Combat isolation, form new friendships, and build a sense of community.
5. Empowerment through Expression: Speak up and ensure your thoughts and concerns are heard.

Regular monthly group gatherings will be organised at local venues. Carers can come to relax, engage in discussions, learn about Carer benefits, entitlements, assessments, and consult experts.

Contact details
0121 475 0777