Support for Carers over the Festive Period

Christmas is a happy time of the year, but for some, it is the loneliest and most challenging time. Birmingham Carers Hub’s partner Birmingham Mind has a Mental Health Helpline available 24/7 on 0121 262 3555 if you need someone to talk to. If you have lost someone this year, you may find reading Cruse Bereavement Care’s advice about coping with grief at Christmas helpful or find ways to remember them at Christmas. If the person you care for is in hospital or happens to go into hospital, remember that the Carer Coordinators are there to help you. For those who look after someone living with dementia or maybe you have a relative visiting you who has dementia, take a look at this advice from Dementia Friends.
Christmas Opening Times
The Birmingham Carers Hub Contact Team available on 0333 006 9711 will operate a telephone service (no face to face appointments) with two members of staff working on the following days:
Wednesday 29th 9-5pm
Thursday 30th 9-5pm
Friday 31st 9-5pm
Normal service will resume on Tuesday 4 January 2022 from 9.00am until 5.00pm. Carers UK’s telephone Helpline available on 0808 808 7777, will remain open Monday to Friday, 9am-6pm over the festive period, including Christmas Eve, Bank Holiday Monday and New Year’s Eve.
For Carers registered with our 24-hour Carers Emergency Response Service (CERS), provision will be available over the Christmas period (including Christmas day) so you can have peace of mind that your loved one will be looked after in their home, should an emergency arise.
If you are not currently registered (free of charge) with our CERS service, please make sure you have contingency plans in place as many support services will be limited or closed over the festive period. Ensure you have enough medication available for the person you care for and find out what the doctors opening times are over the holidays. You might find using Forward Carers “What If Plan” useful, or you can produce your own using this template.
Events for Carers
Dress festive and get your thinking caps on for Birmingham Carers Hub Christmas Quiz on Wednesday 22 December from 6.00 to 8.15pm. The winner will receive a £50 Cook voucher and a Christmas pudding provided by 3HFund. Book your FREE place here.
On Christmas morning (25 December) at 11am, join James from Mobilise online for a fun and festive Cuppa. Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, all are welcome to pop in and say hello. Join here.