Cost-of-Living Week

Cost of Living Week (6 – 10 November) is a Birmingham City Council initiative following the HelpinBrum campaign that was set up last year. HelpinBrum introduced 243 warm spaces across the city; cash contributions to over 100 food banks and energy bill top-ups to 3,400 households.
The cost-of-living crisis has impacted the majority of people but especially those who were already struggling with daily living costs. This crisis negatively affects people’s health and wellbeing through the inability to afford healthy food, transport to NHS appointments, the cost of prescriptions and dental treatment etc.
What help is available?
Thankfully, there is help out there. Birmingham City Council has gathered information into a Cost-of-Living leaflet that is also available in 11 languages. You can also download the Council’s Cost of Living booklet that’s packed with useful information and advice as well as tips to keep your home safe.
If you are experiencing immediate problems, call 0121 303 1116, lines are open Monday to Friday from 9am to 7pm and Saturday from 10am to 1pm. Alternatively, phone 0121 303 9944 and one of the Council’s customer service team will be able to help you.
BVSC and Bourneville Village Trust have also produced cost-of-living resources which you may find helpful.
Specific support is also available, just click the help you need:
Help with money and debt
Help with benefits and housing
Help with pension credit
Help with your energy bills
Short-term help with money and white goods
Help for migrants, asylum seekers and refugees
Free legal advice, eviction notices and benefit arrears payment support
Help with health costs
Help with travel costs for NHS appointments or treatment
How can Birmingham Carers Hub Help?
- Support to get to medical appointments to care for your health. By registering with our Carers Emergency Response service run by Midland Mencap, you can make sure you can get to your medical appointments knowing that the person that you provide care for is being looked after.
- Support with your emotional wellbeing. We know that being a Carer can be stressful so if you are registered with Birmingham Carers Hub you can access free yoga, Tai Chi and relaxation breaks.
- Statutory Carer’s Assessment. If you care for an adult in Birmingham and caring has a major impact on you, you can request a Statutory Carer’s Assessment where support can be put in place across all aspects of your life. You may even qualify for a Carer’s Wellbeing Payment.
- Our advisors can check that you are receiving the right benefits. You could be missing out on lots of benefits, even if you received benefits for years. As a registered Carer with Birmingham Carers Hub you can directly access Forward Carers Benefits Calculator and if you quote the Calculation Reference on your calculation report, our advisors can talk you through it.
- FREE Mobile Data, Calls and Texts for Carers. Being able to access reliable internet isn’t always possible or affordable. We want to help you to stay connected and access important information. Find out more and see if you are eligible. We also have support in place to help you use the internet.
- Access to the Household Support Fund (HSF). Unpaid Carers are a priority group for the HSF in Birmingham given that people with caring responsibilities face acute challenges incurred through their fulfilling these responsibilities for vulnerable citizens. If you are eligible you will be contacted via email or via letter if you are not online.
If you are not already registered with Birmingham Carers Hub you can do this online via this form or call 0333 006 9711 to speak to one of our friendly advisors.