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Winter Safety Advice

After the tragic death of four young boys at Babbs Mill Lake, we would like to send out some winter water safety advice to keep you, your family and your pets safe. If someone was to fall through cold icy water, would you know what to do? Read this important information so you are prepared should an emergency arise.

As the weather gets colder and the cost-of-living increases, the West Midlands Fire Service has collated some top tips to help you stay safe while trying to reduce the cost of heating or lighting your home.

Please take time to read this advice or look at tips on:

  • Heating
  • candle safety
  • gas & electrical safety
  • smoke alarms
  • bypassing meters
  • social media trends

Keeping Warm and Staying Safe
There has been an increase in people using electric blankets and hot water bottles. Age UK say that damaged electric blankets cause more than 5‚000 house fires a year. Danger signs include: fraying fabric, scorch marks, exposed elements, a worn flex. Further advice is available here.

Did you know that hot water bottles have an expiry date? An old hot water bottle could burst and scold you. Hot water bottles should be replaced every two years. You can check the manufacture date by looking at the wheel as explained in this image. If your hot water bottle doesn’t have the wheel on it, it will have a BS safety standard, such as BS 1970:2012. Here is some other hot water bottle safety advice.