Our Services

University Mental Health Day & Support for Young Adult Carers

Student Minds is the UK’s student mental health charity working to improve university communities to make sure that no student is held back by their mental health. Every year, on University Mental Health Day, (9 March), Student Minds works with UMHAN, the University Mental Health Advisors Network, to change the future of student mental health.

Academic pressure, money worries and loneliness; it’s easy to feel overwhelmed at university. There is an increasing number of students accessing support services, experiencing distress and mental illness, having to leave university due to mental health difficulties, and a tragic number of student deaths by suicide.

For young adult carers, university life is an even bigger challenge. Young adult carers are young people aged 16–25 who care, unpaid, for a family member or friend with an illness or disability, mental health condition or an addiction. On top of their studies, (and maybe a part-time job), a young carer may do practical tasks such as housework, practical and personal care, emotional support and help with medication.

Their choice of university may have been governed so that they are close their family home to continue their caring role and can have a significant impact on their mental health.

According to The Carers Trust, being a young adult carer can affect a young person’s health, social life and self-confidence – over 45% reported a mental health problem.

Many struggle to manage their education, working life and caring role which can cause pressure and stress.

29% had dropped out of college/university because of their caring role. This is four times greater than the national average for degree courses.

University Mental Health Advisors Network are challenging the health sector, higher education sector and government to make student mental health a priority, so that students can succeed and thrive.

Support for Young Adult Carers in Birmingham
YMCA Sutton Coldfield is a Birmingham Carers Hub delivery partner and supports young adult carers aged 18 to 25.

For help and support call 0121 354 5614, email yac@birminghamcarershub.org.uk or visit their website.

Our Young Adult Carers Service (YAC) can offer free help and advice for those aged between 18 and 25 and caring for someone in Birmingham. This service is delivered by YMCA Sutton Coldfield and can offer tailored personalised support for Young Adult Carers in transition, supporting them with current and future aspirations.

If you support a family member with a disability, illness or addiction, we can help you reach your full potential. We offer:

  • Information and advice to support you and your family
  • A specialised Carer’s Assessment to identify support you need 
  • Regular groups and drop-ins
  • CV writing, employment opportunities and workshops to improve skills
  • Flexible one-to-one meetings with a key worker
  • Group work workshops
  • Wellbeing trips, activities and residential trips and to socialise outside of your caring role, meet other Young  Adult Carers and gain new experiences
  • Take part in peer support and online groups
  • Weekly youth clubs (for Young Carers under the age of 18)
  • Support for social, emotional and educational needs
  • Relieve stress and isolation
  • Signpost to relevant services needed
  • Undertake FREE online training