Survey of Adult Carers in England

From Monday 3 October, a survey being carried out by Birmingham Carers Hub on behalf of Birmingham Adult Social Care (BASC) will start to be distributed.
A random selection of Carers who are registered with Birmingham Carers Hub will receive either a posted letter or an email inviting them to complete the survey. Carers will be asked their views on the services received by them or by the person that they care for as well as their quality of life. Carers’ answers are confidential and will not be passed on to anyone directly providing them with services.
Carers have been selected at random if over the last 12 months they have had contact with BASC or an organisation working on behalf of BASC, such as Birmingham Carers Hub (including partners from the list below).
Organisations that provide services on behalf of Birmingham Carers Hub:
- Action for Children
- Age Concern Birmingham
- Barefoot yoga
- Birmingham Buddhist Centre
- Chinese Community Centre Birmingham
- Contact, Disability Resource Centre
- ACP (East Birmingham Collective)
- Headway Birmingham & Solihull
- Kids
- Midland Mencap
- Birmingham Mind
- YMCA (Sutton Coldfield)
The more people who compete and submit the survey, the more useful the results will be to help reach more Carers and improve local services for Carers. The deadline to return the questionnaire is Sunday 27th November 2022.