Our Services

Recap of Carers Week 2021

We hope that you enjoyed Carers Week and managed to attend one of our events whether this was virtually or face-to-face. The week was jam-packed with events, full of useful information and advice. To help you, here’s a recap of what you might have missed including links to some of the online sessions:

Monday 7 June
Welcome to Carers Week
Birmingham Parent Carer Forum             
Launch of Carer Friendly Business Awards                         
Welcome to Birmingham Carers Hub
Making the most of your Carer Friendly Card

Tuesday 8 June
NHS, University Hospitals Birmingham & Dr King
POhWER advocacy services
Birmingham Safeguarding Adults Board (not recorded for GDPR reasons)
Birmingham City Council Adult Social Care

Wednesday 9 June
Midland Mencap – parent Carers

Thursday 10 June
Spurgeons and YMCA – young carers

Friday 11 June
Ageing Better in Birmingham, Sutton Coldfield NNS
Caring for Carers Dementia Support

Saturday 12 June
Living Well Consortium pilates
Birmingham Mind mental health session
The Active Wellbeing Society exercise class
Carer Life Spa – yoga & massage
Carer Service for Sickle Cell & Thalassaemia

Sunday 13 June
Launch of Virtual Afternoon Tea
Self-Care Sunday

Thank you to all of our partners who were involved with delivering a fantastic Carers Week this year, especially given how challenging the last 12 months have been for all concerned. A big thank you to all of the Carers that we support, thank you for participating in our events and thank you for doing all that you do, without you, health and social systems would collapse.