Pharmacies Now Treating Common Conditions

It isn’t always easy to speak to a GP so how about seeing your local pharmacist as the first port of call?
You can now get treatment for seven common conditions through your high street pharmacy as part of a major transformation in the way the NHS delivers care.
More than nine in ten community pharmacies in England – 10,265 in total – will be offering the ground-breaking initiative, with the health service making it easier and more convenient for people to access care.
Highly trained pharmacists will be able to assess and treat patients without the need for a GP appointment or prescription. Pharmacists will treat the following common conditions:
• sinusitis
• sore throat
• earache
• infected insect bite
• impetigo
• shingles
• uncomplicated urinary tract infections in women
The major expansion of pharmacy services will give the public more choice in where and how they access care, aiming to free up 10 million GP appointments a year.
Some of Knights Pharmacy offers the Pharmacy First Scheme in Birmingham, find your nearest branch offering this service.
We will update this page with more pharmacies offering this service. NHS England also lists pharmacies offering Extended Care Services to help with UTIs (females aged 16-64 years), acute bacterial conjunctivitis (children under 2 years), impetigo, infected insect bites, infected eczema and middle ear infections (children aged 3 months – 16 years).
FREE Flu Jabs
We recommend that you inform your GP that you provide care for someone so that you can access benefits such as a double appointment and get the flu vaccine free of charge to protect you and the person that you care for.