PAs for clinically vulnerable children now eligible for Covid-19 vaccine

Families who directly employ a personal assistant (PA) to care for their clinically vulnerable child are urged to contact their local authority to arrange for their PA to be vaccinated against Covid-19.
Personal assistants are frontline health and social care workers and are included in phase one of the Covid-19 vaccine rollout and are cohort number two on the priority list.
Eligible personal assistants include care workers employed by families who get personal budgets and who regularly give close care to people clinically vulnerable to coronavirus, including children.
Unpaid family carers who get Carer’s Allowance, or who are the main carer of an elderly or disabled person whose welfare may be at risk if the carer falls ill, will get the vaccine at the same time as people with underlying health conditions (priority group six). If you fall into this category, please inform your GP of your caring responsibilities so that you can be added to their Carers Register list.