Our Services

Our plans for Carers Week

Not long to go!

From 8 to 14 June it’s Carers Week and we hope that you will join us in helping to raise awareness of caring, highlighting the challenges you face and celebrate the difference that you make.
The theme of Carers Week this year is Making Caring Visible which we endorse but want to go beyond this.

Forward Carers is committed to creating Carer Friendly Communities and we are starting in Brum – we are on a mission to make Birmingham the first Carer Friendly City.

We are very excited to officially launch our Carer Friendly Brum campaign next week. Look out for our Facebook posts where Carer Friendly Brum will be explained along with how it can benefit you in you caring role. Forward Carers works with different partners to deliver Birmingham Carers Hub; thank you to Midland Mencap, Barefoot Yoga, Birmingham Buddhist Centre, Action for Children and YMCA who are all providing free activities during Carers Week.

Here is a snapshot of what we’ve got planned for next week on Birmingham Carers Hub Facebook page, just click on the image to enlarge it.


For more details about Carers Week and our activities, please click here.