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Making Strides for Carers

From left to right: Louise Hughes, Emma Dudley and Neil Joesbury

On 10 June during Carers Week, Carer Neil Joesbury undertook a 10 mile walk through Birmingham to raise awareness of the role of family and friends Carers. Neil works at Marks and Spencer and persuaded his colleagues Emma Dudley and Louise Hughes to take on the 10 mile mission. Neil, Emma and Louise stopped en route at shopping centres giving out flyers to promote Forward Carers Carer Friendly Communities initiative. Neil’s manager at Marks and Spencer is understanding of his caring role and so Neil wants other businesses to do the same.

Neil said, “Forward Carer is fantastic, they will help you with anything you need and the support has been out of this world. I know from experience how much they have supported me and my family throughout the difficult times recently and I would like to thank Forward Carers from the bottom of my heart.”

Forward Carers Managing Director, Dionne Williams, met the trio half way through their walk to spur them on and Forward Carers Bernie Huntingdon was there at the finishing line to congratulate them and treat them to a well-earned drink.  Thank you to Neil, Emma and Louise for championing Carer Friendly Communities.  

To find out more about Carer Friendly Communities, visit the website here.