Our Services

How Do Carers Use Technology to Assist Them?

Do you use technology to assist you and/or your family in your daily living?

Birmingham City Council wants to understand how people are using technology to enhance their quality of life and support their independence. The council wants to understand your experience of technology, especially those receiving health and social care services.

There are many kinds of technologies that assist people in their day to day lives like smart device, falls detectors, remote monitoring sensors, health monitoring devices and many others.

The council and its partners have set up a Technology Enabled Care (TEC) Citizen Board to work on this project from now until March 2024 and beyond to create a service that will really make a difference to citizens lives. Would you like to get involved?

They are looking for people who:

  • receive health and/or social care services
  • are really interested in technology
  • or who really don’t understand technology and how it works.
  • would like to join the TEC Citizen Board and work towards creating the right service to challenge thinking and understanding of what citizens really want to receive in their home and how.

What is the ask from you?
The Citizens TEC Board will meet once per month, online for 1.5 hrs to challenge key documentation, review and provide comments on improvements that need to be made to ensure the right service is developed. Board members will be asked to attend workshops and meetings as needed where citizens views can influence decisions and bring challenge.

If this sounds like it would be interesting to you, or if you’d like to know more, please contact Morwenna on email: morwenna@rethinkpartners.co.uk by Friday 21 April 2023.