Guidance on Supporting Adult Carers

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has released guidance on supporting adult carers (people aged 18 and over who provide unpaid care for anyone aged 16 or over with health or social care needs.
These guidelines aims to improve the lives of carers by helping health and social care practitioners identify people who are caring for someone and give them the right information and support. It covers carers’ assessments, practical, emotional and social support and training, and support for carers providing end of life care.
Forward Carers delivers Birmingham Carers Hub where advisers conduct Carer Assessments, provide information and support to carers as well as state benefits advice, plus much more. To discover all that we have to offer, click here.
This guideline includes recommendations on:
- information and support for carers
- identifying carersand assessing their needs
- helping carers stay in, enter or return to work, education and training
- social and community support for carers
- training to provide care and support
- psychological and emotional support for carers
- support during changes to the caring role and during end of life care
You can access the full report here.