Coronavirus vaccination update from Corporate Director, Adult Social Care

Graeme Betts Corporate Director, Adult Social Care, Birmingham City Council has written a letter to all Carers regarding the Coronavirus vaccination update. The letter informs Carers that citizens who have received both of their Covid vaccinations at least six months before will be invited to go and get their booster vaccination. The GP surgery will normally offer you your flu vaccination at the same time. In the letter, Mr Betts said, ”I would encourage you to receive both to ensure that you are as protected as possible.”
He added, “As a carer – I can confirm that you are on the priority list to receive a booster vaccination. So if you haven’t yet been invited to attend your surgery for yours, and you had your vaccinations at least 6 months before, please do contact your GP surgery or book on this link.”
A copy of the letter is available here.