Our Services

Census 2021 – virtual drop-in help sessions

Help for residents over Census weekend

A series of virtual drop-in sessions are taking place by the Birmingham team this week and on Census Day to answer questions and help anyone who needs support filling in their questionnaire.

Below are the times and sessions available in various languages. Along with online help, people can also call the phone helpline on 0800 141 2021 or find answers on the Census website.   

Census 2021 is the first time that the household questionnaire will be a digital-first census, enabling households to fill it in their phone, tablet or computer. Paper copies can also be requested through the helpline or website.

General virtual census drop-in help sessions:

Saturday March 20 – from 11am to 2pm – drop in to get help or ask questions with the census team

Sunday March 21 – Census Day – from 10am to 4pm – drop in to get help or ask questions with the census team 

There will be a Census awareness and Question and Answer session in Polish broadcast on the Centrala Community Facebook site on Wednesday March 17 at 7pm – 8pm with Polish speaker Zuzka Hilton from Census 2021. Zuzka will be speaking about how the Census will make a difference to Polish people living in the Midlands. Join the event on the facebook page

Romanian and Eastern European event in English 
A Census awareness session and Question and Answer will be broadcast in English on the DOR – Romanian Diaspora Facebook page on Saturday March 20th from 11am  – Midday. Translators in Romanian are available during the session and householders from other Eastern European countries are welcome to join the meeting as it is in English.

Alison Brinkworth from the Birmingham Census team will be speaking with Sorina Stallard from Romanian DOR group in a Question and Answer about how to complete the census and answer any concerns. Join the event on the dedicated site.

Census Day support is available online in Somali during a drop-in virtual session from 10am – 11am on Sunday March 21st with Zeid Hussein.
Join the session on the dedicated site. 

Census Day support is available online in Arabic during a drop-in virtual session from 11am – midday on Sunday March 21st with Sumia Afif.
Join the session on the dedicated site. 

Census Day support is available online in Mandarin during a drop-in virtual session from midday – 1pm on Sunday March 21st with Catherine East.
Join the session on the dedicated webpage. 

Census Day support is available online in Bengali during a drop-in virtual session from 1pm – 2pm on Sunday March 21st with Niaz Jaigirdar.
Join the session on the dedicated webpage. 

Census Day support is available online in Gujerati during a drop-in virtual session from 2pm – 3pm on Sunday March 21st with Subhash Rathod.
Join the session on the dedicated webpage. 

Census Day support is available online in Punjabi during a drop-in virtual session from 3pm – 4pm on Sunday March 21st with Aisha Rehman.
Join the session on the dedicated webpage. 

Census Day support is available online in Urdu during a drop-in virtual session from 4pm – 5pm on Sunday March 21st with Anwaar Raja.
Join the session on the dedicated webpage

If you would like the Birmingham team to help anyone in your community to complete the census or understand what it is about from now and throughout April, please contact the team by emailing either Alison Brinkworth at alison.brinkworth86@field.census.gov.uk or Aisha Rehman on aisha.rehman96@field.census.gov.uk or calling 07452 934883.