Caring for someone with alcohol misuse

When a person misuses alcohol, it is not just them that’s affected – the impact can be far-reaching with family and anyone close to them being affected too. There can be a lot of stigma and secrecy around addiction, so you may find it harder to ask for help if you are trying to help the person you love.
You may not easily recognise yourself as a Carer but you are. Your life will involve both supporting the person you care for, but additionally feeling the broader damaging effects of their addiction on yourself and the rest of your family. The impact is probably practical, financial and emotional – with the emotional affect for many being the hardest to manage.
Help and Support for You
It’s Alcohol Awareness Week this week (16 – 22 November), look after your own wellbeing and reach out for support. If you are not already registered with Birmingham Carers Hub, feel in this form or call our advisors on 0333 006 9711. Birmingham Carers Hub advisors can carry out a free Carer’s Assessment, provide state benefits advice and direct you to additional information and support.
The Birmingham Carers Hub service draws on the expertise of a number of specialised services to support Carers who provide support to someone living in Birmingham. Acquarius Action Projects provides advice and support to Carers supporting someone with a misuse of substances or alcohol.
Services for Carers supporting someone with a Substance Misuse

Aquarius Action Projects provides a Counselling Service which is designed for family and friends who are concerned for a loved one who is struggling to cope with substance misuse and/or drinking.
The service provides time and space for Carers to share their feelings, and identify effective ways of coping with the challenges, stresses, strains and difficulties they are experiencing with their substance misusing loved one.
Specifically Aquarius will provide families with:
– Emotional and mental health support including professional Counselling
– Respite activities
– Advocacy support in areas including – care planning, overcoming practical and bureaucratic challenges, liaison with employers and schools, and maximising income
If you would like support from Aquarius Action Projects call 0121 622 7780.