Taking care of yourself – Dementia Carers

If you care for someone with dementia, this is your chance to consider your own wellbeing and develop some tools and skills to help you.
“Resilience is the way we cope with stress and adversity in life. By learning new ways of thinking, behaving and interacting with others, we develop ways to cope even when life is tough.”
Put another way, resilience is building the ability to make choices when we are under under pressure.
Our instincts are designed to protect us and can take over and make decisions for us, but this isn’t always helpful. Resilience gives us the awareness to notice this and the ability to choose how to act rather than a knee jerk reaction.
There are a number of ways we can build resilience that we will discuss in this session.
This session is for your if you would like to:
- Learn about how resilience can be built to support your well being
- Gain ideas and strategies to support your own wellbeing
- Spend time with experienced healthcare professionals who will answer your questions in a safe, supportive environment
- Meet other people who are taking care of a friend or family member with dementia in a similar situation
We ask you to book to ensure we know who is attending the sessions.
The small, informal groups ensure that everyone has the chance to ask questions and connect with other carers.
Book your place on the Dementia Carers Count website here or on Eventbrite here.
For more information on Dementia information sessions for Birmingham Carers click here.