
Kissing it Better- Forward Carers Coffee Morning (online)


Monday 04 December 10:30 am - 11:30 am



Please join kissing it better for a coffee and chat online.(Or if you prefer, you are welcome to join us out of visionwith your mic off just to listen)You are welcome to join for all or part of the session.This session is for Carers, and those you care for, are both welcome.

When? Every Monday & Friday at 10:30am
How? Click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84855033307?pwd=d25nZlV3YXlCWXQ5c2d2Mi9aYzB6UT09
Meeting ID: 848 5503 3307     Passcode: 076930

Carer Support 

Birmingham/Walsall/West Midlands/United Kingdom