Caring for Carers Dementia Awareness – Nutrition

This topic covers the difficulties with eating and drinking which can be experienced by a person with dementia and how to best to respond.
“I haven’t eaten ALL day!”, “I’m not hungry”, “I’ve eaten already”… These are just a few sayings that carers of someone with dementia often hear.
Not eating and drinking enough can increase the risk of dehydration, weight loss and other health problems in the cared for. This topic discusses the concerns of carers and gives tips and ideas to try and assist with this difficult stage of dementia.
As face-to-face training is still not possible, this topic is available via Zoom. Our experienced Trainer, Val will cover all aspects that she would go through with you in person and you will still get to ‘virtually meet’ others in a similar situation, to share experiences and listen.
To join the training, you will need a phone, tablet, laptop or computer with access to Wi-Fi. If you are unfamiliar with Zoom, please don’t worry, Val will be able to support you with the joining process, just give her a call on 0121 553 6483 or 07523 515120.
There is a maximum of six spaces available on each session, so click here to reserve your free place.