A Statutory Carer’s Assessment is an in-depth discussion about the impact that your caring role may be having on any aspect of your daily life including your work, wellbeing, isolation, finances etc. We will discuss what help and support may be available to you and make referrals based on your preference.
If your caring role has an impact on different aspects of your life, you have a legal right to a Statutory Carer’s Assessment under the Care Act 2014 and Birmingham Carers Hub will undertake this on behalf of Birmingham City Council.
Your Carer’s Assessment is free and confidential.
Your Carer’s Assessment does not affect any benefits or support that you or the person you care for may currently receive, but could result in more support being made available to you as a Carer.
You do not have to have a Carer’s Assessment; it will not stop the person you care for from receiving services.
To be eligible for a Statutory Carer’s Assessment you must:
- be 18 years or over and be caring for another adult aged 18 years or over
- be caring for somebody who is a resident of Birmingham (Birmingham City Council)
- not have had a Carer’s Assessment in the previous 12 months unless there has been significant change in your caring circumstances
You can ask for a Carer’s Assessment at any time and this can be carried out over the telephone, online or face to face at one of our Hubs or in your home.
If there is a significant change in your caring role within 12 months of your Statutory Carer’s Assessment, please contact us to request a Reassessment.
You can ask a friend or representative (including an independent advocate) to be with you for your Assessment. You are entitled to a written copy of your Carer’s Assessment and if you do not receive this, please let Birmingham Carers Hub know.
You can request a Carer’s Assessment even if the adult you care for is unwilling to accept help for themselves or you don’t receive Carer’s Allowance.
This is an in-depth conversation to establish what support you will need so please allow approximately two hours for your appointment. This can be carried out over two shorter discussions if this is easier for you.
As a Carer you may be entitled to independent advocacy support for your Statutory Carer’s Assessment.
This is a free service, independent of Adult Social Care services or Birmingham Carers Hub.
Independent advocacy aims to make it easier for you, and the person you care for, to navigate the Assessment and Review processes, ensuring your rights are and you achieve the best possible outcomes.
Please let a Birmingham Carers Hub advisor know if you want to be referred for independent advocacy support from POhWER.
If the person you care for is not receiving any care services, they may benefit from having their own Assessment. If their needs are more appropriately supported this could relieve some of the pressures you are experiencing as a Carer and they will be entitled to independent advocacy support through their Assessment process.
You can arrange this by contacting Birmingham City Council on Telephone: 0121 303 1234 Or email: acap@birmingham.gov.uk
During your Carer’s Assessment, we will discuss:
- What help you are providing or you intend to provide (e.g. post hospital discharge) for the person you care for;
- What help you require to maintain your caring role for as long as you feel you can;
- Your strengths, skills and any support network you may have;
- Any training or development you might want to pursue, including returning to work or education, career change, hobbies or training in relation to your caring role;
- How a Carer Wellbeing Payment could help address any needs identified in your Assessment; and
- What help might be available to you and agree which organisations you would like us to refer you to.
Birmingham Carers Hub can offer you the following support to help meet any needs identified in your Carer’s Assessment:
- Information, advice and support on your rights as a Carer and support available to you;
- Welfare entitlement support with access to a benefits calculator to maximise your household income;
- Registration with our Carers Emergency Response Service (CERS);
- Carers’ support groups;
- Free wellbeing activities like Yoga, Tai Chi, walking groups, arts and crafts groups and more;
- Access to short, overnight breaks;
- Training for your caring role;
- Referral to other specialist groups which provide expert advice and support about health, housing, benefits, employment, education, training and leisure opportunities and;
- Referrals for counselling or practical assistance to support you in your caring role.
When you have your Statutory Carer’s Assessment, we will talk to you about your caring role, anything you need support with, specific outcomes you want to achieve and agreeing the actions required to achieve this. In addition to the support and services listed in the section above, you may be eligible to a Carer Wellbeing Payment to help you address any unmet needs identified in your Statutory Carer’s Assessment.
If you are assessed as being eligible for a Carer Wellbeing Payment, this will be sent directly to your bank account. How effective the Carer Wellbeing Payment was in supporting your unmet needs will be discussed in your Review, (which will take place between three to six months, after your Carer’s Assessment).
If you care for a child (under the age of 18 years) with a disability, Birmingham Children’s Trust will consider your own needs as part of the family assessment, or you can request a separate assessment by contacting Children’s services on 0121 303 1888.
Birmingham Carers Hub can offer a Wellbeing Check for Parent Carers and advise you about the support we can provide:
- Information, advice and support from us or other organisations
- Welfare entitlement support
- Referral to other specialist groups which provide expert advice and support about health, housing, benefits, employment, education, training and leisure opportunities
- Referral to carers’ support groups
- Registration for Carers Emergency Response Service (CERS)
- Training for your caring role
- In certain circumstances, counselling or practical assistance to support you in your caring role
- Information on short breaks
If you are under 18 and you are taking on a lot of responsibility as a result of a condition that a grandparent, parent or sibling has, it is important that your needs are looked at too. You can contact Spurgeons who offer support to young carers: Telephone 0121 227 7000 or email birminghamyc@spurgeons.org