Carer Services

Other External Carer Support

Outside of the Birmingham Carers Hub offer, Carers can also access support with advocacy and mental health. There is also local support available to Young Carers.

Birmingham Carers Hub provides a wide range of support for Carers. Sometimes there are circumstances where we are unable to help and we will signpost you to the most appropriate organisation, or if you prefer we can make the referral for you.

Advocacy Support

An advocate can support you to tell other people what you want, need and feel, your advocate will NOT tell you what to do. You are in  control. It is about what YOU want to do. You can find out more about advocacy in this independent guide to advocacy.

The person you care for is entitled to independent advocacy support through their Assessment process. This is a free service, independent of Adult Social Care services.

Independent advocacy aims to make it easier for you, and the person you care, for to navigate the Assessment and Review processes, ensuring the rights of the person you care for are upheld, supporting them to achieve the best possible outcomes.

As a Carer you may also be entitled to independent advocacy support through your Statutory Carer’s Assessment. Please visit the POhWER website, or call them on 0300 456 2370 to find out more.

Support with Mental Health

Support for Young Carers under 18 years